

When you’re working with API, you can encounter situation where you want to make authenticated request to fetch some content etc. To do so, you need a token

How to obtain a token?#

Kitsu API documentation already cover this topic here

First you will need to make an account on kitsu website.
After making an acconut, you’ll need to make a post request to
Kitsu supports 3 grant types, but for now only Password is implemented

Making POST request#

To make a post request we can run this simple python script

import requests

url = ""

#Make sure to replace username and password with your credentials
data ={
    "grant_type": 'password',
    "username": '<username or email>',
    "password": '<password>' #Must be RFC3986 encoded

response =, data=data)

If the response was successful, this will print out

#From kitsu docs
access_token: 'abc123', #The token
created_at: 1518235801,
expires_in: 2591963, #Seconds until the access_token expires (30 days default)
refresh_token: '123abc', #Token used to get a new access_token it expires
scope: 'public',
token_type: 'bearer'

After obtaining a token#

Now that we got a token, we can pass it to askitsu.Client and make authenticated requests

import askitsu

client = askitsu.Client("abc123...")

Next: Simple examples